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Show Us A Picture You Have As A Kid That Screams You Were "Born This Way" And By That I Mean "Guh Guh Guh Gay"

Dig through those archives.

It's that time of year again, LGBTQs!

The time when I ask you to dig through your archives and find a picture that screams "Mom, how did you not know?!"

Some of us LGBTQ people love a good "OMG I was so gay!" moment.

me striking a pose

A picture that screams I was truly *born this way*

me with a britney spears cake

From over-the-top poses...

me striking a pose

...to, well, this newspaper article about how I would dance around the living room to figure skating in the Olympics.

a quote about how i loved figure skating

I want to see your pictures that scream "The signs were everywhere!!"

So, because this is somewhat of a BuzzFeed tradition, I was wondering if you could share your "gayest" childhood picture along with a short explanation for your chance to be in a BuzzFeed Community post!

Looking for more ways to get involved? Check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebrating Pride 2022.