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19 Things Anyone Who’s Ever Had A Friend Will Get

*sends text* *hears back in two days*

1. When they ALL THE SUDDEN have an opinion on something:

2. When they wallow in self-pity:

3. When they pull this crap:

4. When they're the world's worst navigator:

5. When they can't be trusted with anything:

6. When they're being excessive:

7. When they play hard to get:

8. When they make shit up:

9. When they're overly competitive:

10. When they're never on time for anything:

11. When they don't introduce you:

12. When they pull this disrespectful move:

13. When they make a bad life decision:

14. When they get worked up over the smallest stuff:

15. When they complain about this crap:

16. When they steal your style:

17. When they pull this crap:

18. When they don't care about your livelihood:

19. And when they don't offer you a goddamn blanket: