19 Of The Hardest Mother 'Effers To Step Foot On Planet Earth

    "Hold me back, bruh."

    1. This tough guy coffee drinker:

    2. Blake:

    3. This powerlifting champion:

    4. Matt:

    5. This carnivore:

    6. This guy who knows what he likes:

    7. This dangerous human:

    8. This dude who wants you to start shit:

    9. This dude who doesn't play games:

    10. This badass bro:

    11. Scary Sidney:

    12. This hardo:

    13. This guy who's challenging the whole world:

    14. This varsity boxer:

    15. Conflicted Josh:

    16. This higher power:

    17. This professional:

    18. This person you would NEVER tread on:

    19. And this dream dude: