19 Random Things Procrastinators Will Not Be Able To Resist Looking At

    You're welcome?

    1. This guy enjoying a concert:

    2. This Jurassic Park historian:

    3. This empty wrapper:

    4. This interesting correlation with the US Unemployment rate:

    5. This perplexing crime:

    6. This depressing realization:

    7. This soup stalker:

    8. This specific kind of anxiety:

    9. This common nightmare:

    10. This normal iPad user:

    11. This fact of life:

    12. This energy efficient vehicle:

    13. This war of the worlds:

    14. This regional movie snack:

    15. This modern creepy marketing world:

    16. These two opposites colliding:

    17. This sense of panic:

    18. This cow:

    19. And this timeline: