21 People Who Put The IDGAF In Work Ethic

    Yeah, I know that doesn't work. IDGAF.

    1. Whoever put up this wall at 24 Fitness:

    2. Whoever refused to cut these lemons:

    3. The champion of irony:

    4. This employee of the month:

    5. Whoever installed this bathroom:

    6. Whoever painted this line:

    7. Whoever paved this street:

    8. Whoever pulled this move:


    10. Whoever designed this handicap entrance:

    11. Whoever installed this fence:

    12. The city planner who decided this was a good spot for a road:

    13. Whoever said "not my fries, not my problem":

    14. Whoever thought this was a good spot for a toilet:

    15. Whoever decided on this gate:

    16. The asshole who stocked this shelf:

    17. The person who mindlessly posted this "sale":

    18. This sign operator:

    19. Whoever thought this was the best way to write "No Smoking Safety First":

    20. Whoever detailed this police cruiser:

    21. And the spawn of satan that designed these steps: