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19 Random Pictures That'll Send You Into A Murderous Rage


1. This outrageous mark-up on chalk at a college bookstore:

2. These frightening feet on a flight:

3. This quality craftsmanship:

4. The term, "it's dry heat":

5. These simultaneously ripe, and unripe bananas:

6. This Starbucks brand "can" of baked beans:

7. This gum disposal:

8. This diploma:

9. This "tip":

10. The alignment of this shirt:

11. This snapped key:

12. This expert parking job:

13. When this happens to every binder:

14. These Google Maps directions:

15. This billboard:

16. This lounging frequent flyer:

17. This abomination of a track:

18. These kind of reviews:

19. And the goddamn Mona Lisa:

Check out more things that'll make you want to punch a wall at r/MildlyInfuriating.