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    7 Climate Victories We Achieved Despite Harper

    Under Harper, Canada had some of the worst climate policies in the industrialized world. But despite the enormous failings of the federal government - and against all the odds - Canada’s climate movement has achieved some huge victories in the past decade. If this is what we could achieve under one of the worst federal governments imaginable, just think what we can achieve with a slightly more sympathetic one. Here are 6 climate victories we achieved despite Harper...

    1. Ontario got rid of coal

    2. Alberta is starting to get serious on climate

    3. More jobs in renewable energy than in tar sands

    4. Pipelines are not getting built

    5. Vancouver plans to be the greenest city in the world

    6. Communities are going solar

    7. Canada is not drilling for oil in the fragile Arctic

    People power has been winning victories for the climate across Canada throughout the difficult Harper decade. With a change of government, we now have the opportunity to make much greater strides of progress in our organising. Shell recently cancelled its plans to drill for oil in the Alaskan arctic and President Obama announced that he has canceled future Arctic drilling leases, creating a unique opportunity for Trudeau to do the same for the Canadian Arctic. By mobilising together, we can build a country that champions climate action, strong democracy, and respect for human rights.

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