18 Secrets Rowers Will Never Tell You

    We've all endured the same grueling training sessions and early morning starts.

    1. You know that catching a crab has nothing to do with shellfish.

    2. And that throwing the smallest person on your team into a freezing river by way of a victory celebration is perfectly normal.

    3. You've had so many blisters on your hands you can't remember what smooth skin feels like.

    4. People often ask you whether rowing is a "real sport".

    5. Your coach has strange ideas about what constitutes a "motivational" quote.

    6. Your team calls your cox lazy, but jumps to their defence if anyone else calls them that.

    7. A room full of Concept 2's will always fill you with dread.

    8. You danced like a lunatic when you beat your best 2k time.

    9. The Oxford vs. Cambridge University Boat Race is the most exciting televised sporting event of the year.

    10. Waking up at 6am for training no longer counts as getting up early.

    11. Every time you see a nice, calm, flat piece of water you imagine what it would be like to row on.

    12. You've felt like this at the end of a race...

    13. You run out of responses to people commenting that "you must have strong arms".

    14. If you're sitting from 2 to Stroke it is perfect reasonable for your coach to ask you to get the person sitting behind you "soaking wet" while you're doing technical exercises.

    15. You secretly hate those people who claim to have only ever fallen in on a capsize drill.

    16. You know the difference between a race, a head, and a regatta.

    17. You know that Henley is about more than dressing up in boat club blazers and drinking too much Pimm's.

    18. Rowing means that you don't have a social life outside the boat club.