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    The 21 Stages Of Moving Back In With Your Parents

    The saying “30 is the new 21” gets bandied about a fair bit nowadays. But the reality is more and more totally awesome kids (and I do mean kids) are either staying home longer, or, given the toilet bowl that is the post-college job market, moving back in.

    1. At first, life is grand.

    2. Reality sets in...

    3. You hold out as long as you can...

    4. Seriously, you live on credit and tread water for as long as possible...

    5. Then comes the horrifying realization that you're gonna have to move back in with your folks.

    6. You tell your boss...

    7. You tell your friends...

    8. You tell your best friend...

    9. You manage to convince yourself that “it’ll only be for a few months… six at the most!”

    10. It finally happens.

    11. At first it's OK...

    12. And then you remember you have siblings...

    13. And live about an hour from everywhere...

    14. Oh yeah, let's not forget about your love life:

    15. You adapt pretty quickly to your new social life.

    16. You entirely understand the appeal of "all-day pajamas."

    17. You kid yourself into thinking that you are doing your parents a favor, being there all the time…

    18. But then they ask you for "board" money.

    19. And they end every conversation like this:

    20. And just when you’ve resigned yourself to being the mummy- and daddy-loving hermit, forever…

    21. Your job/apartment/ticket to freedom arrives!

    It’s all right living-at-homers. We’re here for you every step of the way!