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What's Your Most Embarrassing Bikini Wax Story?

RIP vagina.

It's summertime and you know what that means...WAXING SEASON!

Some people just love the feeling of having smooth hairless skin down under.

But anyone who's gotten a bikini wax is well aware that it hurts like nothing you've ever experienced before.

It's awkward having to ~expose~ your situation to a total stranger.

And sometimes shit gets weird for both parties involved.

Has a wax ever been so painful you accidentally let yourself go right on the table?

Have you ever gotten an awkward comment from your waxer about your hoo-ha?

Or gotten into an argument with your waxer when the pain was too much to handle?

We've all been there, so tell us. What's your most embarrassing bikini wax story?

Write your response in the comments below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!