23 Faces Every Girlfriend Has Absolutely Made

    You can't help but love her.

    1. When you don't answer the phone immediately.

    2. When you roll down the car windows after she just did her hair.

    3. When you run into your ex.

    4. When you respond with one word to her long and meaningful text.

    5. When you interrupt her.

    6. When you don't notice her haircut at first.

    7. When you get hit on in front of her.

    8. When you don't let her choose what to watch on Netflix.

    9. When you refuse to wait in line at the club.

    10. When you go to a party without her.

    11. When you fart in front of her.

    12. When you're texting someone else in front of her.

    13. When you attempt to grow facial hair and ask for her opinion.

    14. When you give her workout tips.

    15. When you pick out an outfit without her fashion advice.

    16. When you try to give her honest fashion advice in return.

    17. When you tell her to hurry up.

    18. When you talk dirty.

    19. When you tag along for girls' night.

    20. When you ask her to choose where to eat.

    21. When you wake up next to her.

    22. When you change your profile picture and she's no longer in it.

    23. And when you love her with all your heart.