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    24 Things You SHOULD Know About Mental Health

    To celebrate the World first event, 24 hours talking about mental health, we've put together 24 things you should know about mental health! Thanks to Minds Like Ours, Time to Change, Mental Health Foundation and Psych Central for the facts and figures.

    1. It's all just 'made up'

    2. Most mental health patients are NOT dangerous

    One of the most common (and wrong) myths is that people with a mental health disorder can be dangerous. Actually, statistics show that they're more likely to be the victim of crime than the other way around.

    3. Doctors still have so much to learn

    4. They're not 'all the same'

    Not all mental health disorders are the same. They vary in symptoms and treatments; from mild depression that may be cured with counselling to more serious conditions that can take years to control.

    5. 1 in 4

    6. Poor funding

    Statistics show that there isn't enough money being put into the mental health sector. This means that patients are left without beds and the right treatment, which can cause a negative impact on their health.

    7. "Lazy Scrounger!"

    8. "You can just get over it"

    Everyone handles their own mental health in their own way. Some people are lucky enough to beat something such as depression with pure determination, others are not that lucky. Many disorders are not something that can just be 'gotten over', it can take years of therapy and medication.

    9. "Only weak people get mental health disorders"

    10. It's physical too

    Mental health doesn't just impact your mind, it can have be detrimental to your physical health too. A symptom of some disorders are aches and pains that can make it difficult for the sufferer to function.

    11. "Mental health stigma doesn't happen anymore"

    12. Stigma on TV

    Over half of the references to mental health on UK TV last year were detrimental and unsympathetic. Some of the terms used include: "he was Looney tunes", "crackpot" and "a sad little psycho".

    13. Suicide is a killer

    14. We CAN do some incredible things

    Another common myth is that people with a mental health disorder are incapable of doing the same things as everyone else. Many of us still work, can be creative, can volunteer, write stories, draw pictures and be as incredible as everyone else.

    15. You'd wear a poppy, wouldn't you?

    16. "Self harm is attention seeking"

    People with current mental health problems are 20 times more likely than others to report having harmed themselves in the past. This is nothing to do with seeking attention, it is an illness.

    17. "They don't need my help"

    18. "Alcoholics and drug addicts don't deserve help"

    Over half of all alcoholics and drug addicts have a mental health problem. The most common are depression and anxiety disorders. Drugs and alcohol can be used as a way of dealing with emotional problems - treating the underlying problem can help with the addiction.

    19. It can happen to children too

    20. It's not just depression

    The DSM-IV, the U.S. standard reference for psychiatry, includes over 300 different manifestations of mental illness. Although not all of them are very common, they are all very real.

    21. "Just pop a pill and get on with it"

    22. "Stop overreacting about stuff"

    When misconceptions travel to a wider audience (such as The Sun's 1,200 killed by mental patients headline) it can cause even more stigma and fear. Those who do not know the facts may feel threatened by those with a mental health disorder which can cause isolation, violence and much more.

    23. "People with OCD wash their hands loads...People with schizophrenia are murderers...."

    24. Now what?!