19 Stages Of Taking An Exam As Described By Grey's Anatomy

    Because it's a beautiful day to get RSI.

    1. When the exam hall opens and you have to throw your notes away.

    2. And your classmates wish you luck.

    3. And you walk in and you can hear everyone talking about all the topics you didn't study for.

    4. Then you spend 10 minutes just trying to find your seat.

    5. And you open the question booklet.

    6. But then an invigilator confiscates your dictionary because it's not 'authorised'.

    7. And then the lecturer walks passed during reading time and you're like:

    8. But inside you're like:

    9. Suddenly you're three lines in and the student next to you asks for their fourth writing booklet.

    10. Then you realise you're completely out of your depth.

    11. And you can't remember if you're supposed to be using HB or 2B pencils.

    12. Then you see your classmate walk out in the first 15 minutes.

    13. And then you're scared you'll have to repeat the subject next semester without your friends.

    14. And you're on the verge of a mental breakdown.

    15. But you remember the conversion you had with your mum over the phone the night before.

    16. And you work out that you may have answered just enough questions to pass.

    17. So maybe you won't have to do summer school this year.

    18. And all of a sudden the exam is over so, you quickly add a powerful concluding sentence like you planned to end the essay there anyway.

    19. And the person in front turns around and asks you how you went, and you're just like: