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    Beauty Problems To Prepare For This Summer

    The beauty conundrums you'll need to take care of this summer.

    Summer's here, and you've probably already planned your itinerary in the next couple of months. You'll hit the beach, go to grandma's house, or even take an overseas trip to a tropical country down south.

    In spite of the fun that comes with it, summer has its fair share of inconveniences, particularly on the skincare department. This is due to the sweltering heat and the incessant blasts of sunlight. Add the fact that daylight – in some states – is longer, you need to prepare for what's coming.

    Here are some beauty problems you'll face in the next couple of months:

    Wrinkles and Lines

    Constantly exposing your skin to the blaring blasts of sunlight, especially during 10:00am to 2:00pm, will lead to wrinkling. This happens because ultraviolet rays have adverse effects on the skin proteins like collagen and elastin. The most vulnerable parts are on your skin, particularly around your eyes and on the forehead.

    To avoid this, do not go outdoors during the hottest hours, apply sunscreen especially those from Toxic Free Solutions, and wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from sun exposure.

    Skin Darkening

    One of the reasons why you should avoid sunbathing is mainly because having "a tan" is actually the first sign of skin damage. Basically, when your skin darkens, it is trying to prevent further damage by producing melanin, which is responsible for the tan and the dark spots. This may then cause irregular skin pigmentation, making it seem like your face is blotted with dark spots. It also causes permanent stretching of the blood vessels, giving your skin a reddish appearance.

    Do yourself a favor: do not get a sun tan (even if you're wearing sunscreen) and do not go outdoors when it's too hot. Dark spots can be permanent, and you wouldn't want to have blots all over your face for a lifetime!

    Sunburn – The Most Common Problem

    We all know what sunburn is: it is characterized by skin redness and pain. Higher levels of sunburn are more problematic as they cause swelling and blisters. If you are afflicted, it can take weeks to heal, and if you break the blisters, an infection will likely occur.

    Fact is, the lighter your skin tone, the more vulnerable you are to sunburn and skin cancer. Once again, avoiding this is rather simple: avoid going outdoors when the heat is at its peak, and wear sunscreen if you do.

    Farmer’s Lip

    We're guessing it's called as such because it is fairly common in farmers, who are basking under the heat of the sun. That being said, this condition is pretty dangerous: it's classified as a precancerous condition and will turn into a full-blown carcinoma (skin cancer) if left untreated. Symptoms include persistent dryness, scaly patches, and swelling. A yellowish tinge is usually present, as well as the lip lines becoming more prominent. If you are experiencing these symptoms, contact your local health provider.

    Overall, these ailments can put a damper on your summer plans. However, don't be alarmed: just be careful and take the necessary steps to avoid these conditions. Equip yourself with sunscreens, moisturizers, and products designed to help you prevent sun skin damage!