These Hilarious Photos Of Animals Only Look Like They're Going To Become Our Overlords

    Is that a fish...with an arm?

    1. This seemingly giant seagull that towers over tiny humans.

    2. This dog that appears to have the ability to float through the air in a large bubble.

    3. This fire-breathing dog.

    4. This half dog/half man that was probably tailgating a postal truck.

    5. This dog/person spotted on public transportation.

    6. And this dog/human that’s just kicking back.

    7. This adorably buff cat/human hybrid.

    8. This person who REALLY looks like they have an alpaca head.

    9. This iPhone-loving eagle.

    10. This fish that is probably really good at the breast stroke.

    11. And this dog/human who is trying to reel that fish in.

    12. This colorfully-dressed woman with — NBD — a horse’s head.

    13. This horse that looks like it is giving birth out of its mouth. Yikes!

    14. This loooooooong horse.

    15. And this ostrich that needs to be cast in a shampoo commercial.