17 End Of The School Year Moments That Make Parents Go, “WHY, GOD? WHY?!”

    Guess who gets to pack yet another school lunch today? You!

    1. Racing to get your kid out the door because your tired ass has been getting them up later and later each day.

    2. Trying to find a place for the 1,417th piece of homework/art your kid has brought home this year.

    3. Frantically searching your home from top to bottom because your kid can't find their homework folder... again.

    4. Listening to your kids boo-hoo about you packing them the same lunch every day.

    5. Almost losing your mind in the drop-off line because — nine months into the year — everyone STILL TAKES FOREVER TO DO IT!

    6. Having to bust out the old line: “You'd better keep working hard or they won't advance you to the next grade!”

    7. Asking your kid, "How was school?" and getting the least enthusiastic, non-answer ever recorded by a parent.

    8. Interacting with the parents you somehow never learned the names of.

    9. Falling behind on the laundry and having to convince your kid it's totally cool to wear sweatpants to school.

    10. Finding a gift for your kid's teacher that skirts the line between "cheapskate" and "outright bribe for an 'A.'"

    11. Trying to race to the school in time for yet ANOTHER end of year performance/event.

    12. Praying your kid's backpack makes it to the end of the year — because you ain't buying a new one for just a few weeks.

    13. Trying to stay awake/not scream when helping your kid with their homework.

    14. Also, trying not to cry while playing "project manager" for your kid's endless end-of-year projects and reports.

    15. Guesstimating how much your kid read on their reading chart because you didn't exactly keep I.R.S.-worthy records.

    16. Watching your kid throw an "I'm tired of school!" fit without yelling back, "You think you're tired of this? Try being me!"

    17. And, finally, breathing a sigh of relief when school is finally out — until you realize you now have to keep your kid entertained ALL. SUMMER. LONG.