31 Hilarious Wives Who Are A Little “Off” In The Best Possible Way

    I'll say this much — being married to these women must never be boring!

    1. This wife who sleeps like a human cocoon:

    a person completely covered with a blanket in bed

    2. This wife who broke into laughter in a quiet bookstore after noticing the name of this book's editor:

    "Hugh G. Dick"

    3. And this wife who had her grade school class make "groundhogs" without realizing they looked like, uh, something else:

    groundhog cutouts that look like testicles

    4. This wife who glanced at the screen and asked, "How could the score be negative?!":

    a person looking intently at a paper

    5. This wife who told her husband about their unplanned pregnancy by putting sonogram photos inside this book:

    "Happy Little Accidents"

    6. And this wife who — after her husband went to sleep — moved the coat stand so that he saw this first thing in the morning:

    what looks like a human silhouette in front of a window

    7. This wife who made a hilarious addition to the scientific paper her spouse was trying to read:

    "Harry Potter and"

    8. This wife who — after her husband bragged about building a website — bought him this cake:

    A cake that says "Nobody cares!"

    9. And this wife who — after making a charcuterie board for a bachelorette party — let her husband eat the leftovers:

    a piece of cheese with a penis carved into it

    10. This wife who didn't have much faith that her husband could feed their kids by himself:

    Notes on a try specifying what foods go there

    11. This wife who spilled vanilla on her shorts:

    a woman who has a stain on her shorts

    12. And this wife who — after struggling to open the produce bag — "improvised":

    a bag tied around a potato

    13. This wife who found out the hard way that you cannot, in fact, use dish soap in the washer:

    a washing machine full of foam

    14. This wife who saw this movie poster and said it looked like her crotch was on fire:

    The "Elemental" promotional poster

    15. And this wife who — after her husband joked he wanted "cocaine and hookers" for his birthday — bought him this candle:

    A "Cocaine & Hookers" candle

    16. This wife who got impressively immature containers for the bathroom:

    "Just the tip" and "Balls Deep"

    17. This wife (with the mind of a 14-year-old boy!) who rearranged these stockings at Target:

    Stockings spelling out "Welcome to Boner Land"

    18. And this wife who sent her spouse this photo and the caption "your jacket is depressed":

    a jacket with the head down on a table

    19. This wife who almost certainly got her husband's attention:

    "Matthew Deane Get a Vasectomy or No More Sex"

    20. This wife who marked her colonoscopy appointment on the calendar like this:

    "Butthole tour"

    21. And this wife — and nurse — who uses this lunchbox:

    "Human Organ for Transplant"

    22. This wife who plotted to jump out and surprise her spouse, but forgot she's seven and a half months pregnant:

    A wife's pregnant belly poking out while she's hiding

    23. This 39-weeks-pregnant wife who went to the store for dinner and came back with this:

    Ice cream and candy on a countertop

    24. And this wife who has a no-nonsense decorating style:

    "Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today"

    25. This wife who — after her husband asked her to send a photo of their tire's tread using the "penny trick" — sent this:

    a penny on a tire

    26. This wife who — after her spouse complained they couldn't tell which was the salt and which was the pepper — bought the ones on the right:

    Salt and pepper shakers on the counter

    27. And this wife — with her own love language — who gifted this to her spouse:

    "If I had feelings I would have them for you."

    28. This wife who — after ordering and receiving this from Amazon — remembered she'd already bought it on Kindle:


    29. This wife who made her husband a vasectomy cake:

    A cake with testicles and a Band-Aid

    30. This wife who did the same thing:

    "Snip Snip Hooray"

    31. And this wife who — for reasons known only to herself — requested that a penis be put on her roof when she had it redone:

    a penis on someone's roof

    OK then!

    a penis on someone's roof