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    17 "What The Wha?!" Hairstyles That Actually Exist In The World

    Hair heroes, we salute you!

    Hello. I am a boring, fortysomething suburban dad. I get my boring, suburban dad haircut at Supercuts in 10 minutes. Most people don't even realize I got a cut, and they certainly don't go, "Whoa! Your hair, man! That's incredible!"

    A boring suburban dad and his boring suburban dad haircut

    If right about now you're thinking, Hmm. This is kind of a weird start to a BuzzFeed post. Should someone check on this guy? Well...

    BUT! The reason I told you all of the above is because while I, a boring suburban dad, may not be in a position to be "the guy with the hair!" I DO sometimes dream of what could be:

    1. Like this guy who turned his hair into pizza. Amazing! Probably not amazing for a PTA meeting, but amazing!

    2. Or this guy who turned his hair into a chessboard!  Practical for coaching little league with your team hat on? Not at all! But unbelievable!

    3. Then there's this guy who turned his head into a strawberry! My kids would ban me from dropping them off at school, but strawberry sir, I salute you!!!

    4. Or how about this Star Wars fan? If I got this, my neighbor would stop waving at me while we take out the trash, but still...awesome!

    5. Or what about this spider hair? I don't want my children to cry when I put them to sleep, so not totally practical for me per se, but still...lovin' it!

    6. Then there's this scarily cool hairdo! My hair is too short to pull this off, but maybe the wife will do it. Let me right back...OK, she said it's a hard no. Still, kudos to you, skull hair woman!

    7. Bob Ross hair! What?! There's a stoner dad at the park who'd appreciate me if I got this, but the other dads? Probably not.

    8. There's Madonna hair too! Take me back to the '80s! This cut probably isn't ideal for my kid's Boy Scout meetings, though.

    9. Now look at this Jordan shirt/hair combo! Phenomenal! Be honest, if your dad wore this to the supermarket with you...would you love it or hate it?

    10. Imagine saying, "I'm....Batman!" with this 'stache? That'd be LIVING! But is it a "mowing the lawn with a dad belly" look?

    11. Or, oh man, imagine rolling up to all the other dads with this cut and going, "Hair's Johnny!" I mean, the dad power!

    12. Or imagine getting this hairstyle and telling the dads, "Look at me, I'm a helicopter parent!" 

    13. This man has emojis IN. HIS. HAIR! Can I admit I kinda want one of these cuts? Is that crazy?

    14. This person has a boat in their hair! I want a boat in my hair! But could I maintain authority while yelling at my kids to do their homework with a boat in my hair? These are the things that give me pause, you see.

    15. Angry Birds! You know, I actually could see this one for me. I wonder if my wife agrees. Let me check...oh, wow! She's laughing! Is that "yes, get it, honey!" laughter? It is not? Ah. OK. Understood.

    16. TENNIS BALL HAIR! Hold on now! This is it! I don't have the money for a midlife crisis Corvette...but I could do this. Should I? Maybe people would call me "Ol' tennis ball head!" and it'd be a funny thing, not something that gets me shunned by my community. What do you think?

    17. Ah, screw it! I'm throwing all caution to the wind and doing this one. YOLO, amirite? (Did I say that right?)