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What's The Most Embarrassing/Funny/Unfortunate Thing That Happened On Your First Day Of School?

These memories last a lifetime...unfortunately.

The first day of school can look pretty darn cute on social media ("Awww! Look at her holding that little placard!"), but beyond the cuteness can be a LOT of CHAOS.

So, we want to hear about your most epic back-to-school fails — whether you're a parent who messed up, a student in school right now, or a grown-up still haunted by their long-ago BTS fail! You know you got 'em!

For example, if you're a parent, you might've sent your kid off to school wearing what you thought was a cute dog shirt...without realizing it looked a WHOLE lot like a penis.

Or maybe you forgot to pack your kid a lunch, or worse, accidentally packed your 7-year-old a beer. Really, the fail possibilities are endless...and we want to hear them!

Of course, if you're a student, the chances you experienced a back-to-school fail are even greater! Like, maybe you spent the first half of the day in the WRONG classroom.

Or maybe when it was your turn to share a fun fact about yourself with your new class, all you could think to say was, "I like cheese." (Cue mocking laughter of your classmates.)

Look, you don't need me to give you ideas — you KNOW you've got a story that still makes you LOL and cringe simultaneously. Tell us about it in the comments below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!