21 Ways Naming A Baby Will Drive You Crazy

    Nine months isn't anywhere near enough time.

    1. Reading an entire A–Z baby name book and not finding a single name you like.

    2. Spending hours online researching the most popular baby names of every year all the way back until the 1880s.

    3. Somehow ending up on an Albanian baby names website and refusing to click off before you consider every name because YOU NEVER KNOW!

    4. Reaching a new level of desperation when you unironically turn here for ideas.

    5. Finally finding a name you like, but your partner is like:

    6. Trying to hide your annoyance when he dismisses it because a kid by that name beat him up 25 years ago.

    7. Knowing deep down you can't get too annoyed because you've already vetoed the name of everyone you ever went on a date with.

    8. Trying to find a baby name in Us Weekly but quickly realizing celebrities aren't that much like us after all.

    9. Dealing with your partner's moodiness after you tell him the name he likes "might be good for a middle name."

    10. Your grandma calling to say she's knitting a blanket to bring the baby home in and needs to stitch the name into it.

    11. Finding another name you like, and then realizing you can't use it because it's the name your best friend has always wanted to name a kid.

    12. Making the mistake of telling people you’re having trouble and being forced to listen to endless suggestions...

    13. Like the ones from your mom.

    14. Every single one of your friends.

    15. And even the old guy you met at the DMV who thinks "Fred" is a strong name.

    16. Discovering a name that both you and your partner love, and then having someone point out that you absolutely can't pair it with your last name.

    17. Downloading a baby-names app to your phone and spending more time on it than Candy Crush.

    18. Kind of, sort of falling in love with a name until you look up its meaning in Latin and are like, What?

    19. Having a ridiculous argument with your partner over "who isn't trying hard enough" to think of a name.

    20. Re-reading the A–Z baby name book and feeling irrationally angry at every name.

    21. Still not having a name in your ninth month and being able to practically feel the judgment.

    But then the clouds open up and the perfect name comes to you in a glorious epiphany!

    Or maybe you settle on a name in a less inspired manner.

    Either way, once your baby arrives it won't be long until you can't imagine them ever having any other name.

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