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Tell Us The Most Dysfunctional Thing You Ever Saw Happen In Youth Sports

From T-Ball through high school sports...there can be a whole lot of drama.

Youth sports — whether it be little league, soccer, gymnastics, travel ball, or school-affiliated — can be fun, exciting, and terrifically enriching for a young person’s development!

Girls hoisting their teammate up after a victory

But it can ALSO be a cesspool of dysfunction — unhinged, overly competitive parents, nightmare coaches, god-complex officials, and out-of-control players.

Coaches and parents brawling at a little league game

So, we want to know…what’s the most unforgettably dysfunctional thing you ever saw happen during youth sports?

Maybe there was a mom or dad on your kid's team who made everyone's lives hell. Drinking in the stands, berating the umpires and players, fighting with other parents, you name it!

Two moms yelling at a referee

Or, maybe the problem was a coach who thought they were coaching the Dallas Cowboys and not a group of kids.

A coach yelling and spitting

We can't forget the officials...maybe there was an umpire or ref who lost their cool and flipped out on everyone. Or did something even more egregious!

An umpire sweeping home plate

And then, there are the athletes who can be just as much trouble: the arrogant kid who thinks they're better than everyone else, the kid who falls down crying with an "injury" any time they make a mistake, the coach's kid who thinks they're basically a coach, too...it goes on and on.

A boy standing with his hands on his hips and his chin up

So, parents, coaches, players, and former players, we want to know: What's the most dysfunctional, messed up, or just plain infuriating thing you ever experienced with youth sports (from tee-ball through high school)?

Answer in the comments below — or anonymously using this form — and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!