This Hilarious Pregnancy Photo Trend Will Make You Go, "What Am I Seeing?!"

    Appearing on your Instagram timeline in 3, 2, 1...

    If Instagram has taught us anything, it's that pregnant couples love to take wacky baby bump photos.

    It has also taught us that pregnant couples tend to re-create the same images over and over. Like, how many times have you seen one of these "Beer 👈 👉Baby" photos?

    Or one of these "baby loading" photos? (I'm guessing a lot.)

    Well, I have news, folks! There's a new wacky pregnancy photo trend you probably haven't seen (yet).

    As you can see, it involves the pregnant half of the couple hiding their head behind a door frame (or something similar)...

    And the other parent-to-be leaning their head into the photo so it looks like their head is on their partner's body.

    Some photos throw a giant hand onto the baby bump for added effect.

    So, what do you think?

    Are these photos hilarious?


    Photographic evidence of dads-to-be beginning their descent (make that ascent!) into dad jokiness?

    Or is it a bit of all three?

    Whatever you think, get ready to see a lot more of these photos on social media.

    RIP "Beer 👈 👉Baby" photos.

    Long live...whatever the heck we're going to start calling these photos!