We Ranked The Stuff People Hand Out On Halloween

    There's a big difference between a full-sized bar and raisins.

    17. Nothing

    16. Religious pamphlets like chick tracts

    15. Healthy snacks like raisins or apples

    14. Pencils and/or erasers

    13. Toothbrushes and/or floss

    12. Stickers

    11. Small toys like spider rings and vampire teeth

    10. Fruit snacks

    9. Old people candy

    These are good, but also taste kind of... sad. And how long did the person who gave them to you have them in their cabinet. Days? Months? Years?

    8. Soda cans

    7. Gum

    6. Dollar store candy

    5. Homemade treats

    4. Rolls or baggies of coins

    3. Self-serve candy

    2. "Fun-size" candy bars

    1. Full-size candy bars