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    19 Reasons To Never Mess With A Parent

    They brought you into this world, and they can take you out.

    1. They're constantly sleep deprived.

    2. If you cross their kids they will make you pay.

    3. They can take a beating.

    4. They're impossible to lie to.

    5. They have a tool for everything.

    6. No one can make you feel as guilty.

    7. They somehow always know when you're up to no good in your room.

    8. They're not afraid to catch vomit with their bare hands.

    9. They can shame you with just their eyes.

    10. They literally suck the snot out of their babies' noses.

    11. They don't care how embarrassing they are.

    12. They won't take your crap.

    13. They exact punishment Guantanamo Bay style.

    14. They have more patience than you.

    15. They're surprisingly agile.

    16. They've endured way more pain than you have.

    17. They will go to disturbing lengths to be near their children.

    18. They have an unsettling sense of humor.

    19. Did I mention what they'll do if you cross their kid?

    Because I really can't emphasize that point enough.

    So if you encounter parents out in the wild be careful not to antagonize them.

    Instead, try to win them over.