25 People Who Took Grudges To Hilariously Extreme Levels

    Literally the opposite of forgive and forget.

    One thing maturity teaches you is that our fellow humans are imperfect beings who deserve our grace and forgiveness.

    a rock that says I forgive you

    Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. We are so much better off if we break the chains of resentment and find sweet release!

    someone breaking chains on their arms

    Eh, I can't do it. Forgiveness? Ha! Not for that punk who bullied me in junior high! Some people deserve our unending hate until the day we die, you know?

    Is that a little dramatic? Maybe! But it's not to these 25 people who turned holding a grudge into an absolute art form:

    1. This literal adult who used his Tinder bio to take a swipe at a girl he disliked in junior high:

    So I lost an 8th grade presidential election 5 years ago and my friend just found the guy who beat me on tinder 😌

    Twitter: @meghanhibbs

    It reads: "Still proud of the time I became class president just to beat someone I found mildly annoying, get wrecked Meghan"

    Five years pass, he grows into an adult, and still puts "Get wrecked Meghan" in his bio.

    2. This farmer who went to extremes to let the world know how they feel about Jim:

    3. These bar owners who eighty-sixed Dennis 30 years ago and still aren't over his crap:

    My coworker told me he got banned from a bar when he lived in North Dakota back in 1973 and didn’t try going back to it for 30 years but he finally did and the moment he stepped in someone yelled “Get the hell out of here Dennis” And that’s probably my favorite story ever

    Twitter: @bmangall20

    4. And this bar owner who hates — and I mean HATES — AC/DC:

    5. This person whose disdain for Robert consumes their feelings for everyone:

    6. And Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — yes, Mozart — who used his singular talents for petty revenge:

    7. This coworker who is NEVER going to forget about what Debbie did in the lunchroom:

    8. And this soon-to-be ex-wife who said nothing is too expensive to get revenge:

    9. This Twitter account that decided it'd be a good day to destroy Mark:

    More like, "Oh, BYE, Mark," amirite?

    10. Bryan, who let his feelings about his dad seriously influence this letter he sent to a soldier overseas:

    It reads: "Dear soldier, Thanks for nothing. My dad is a soldier and my mom says he's a lazy piece of shit. So I assume you are too. Go f--- yourself. Nobody likes you. Sincerely, Bryan"

    11. The people behind this company who must have a deep, profound hatred for a Jeffrey somewhere:

    Twitter: @yephph

    Yeah, I'm not buying this excuse:

    12. And this club that's dedicated to loathing one man...Keith:

    13. This person who hates seagulls, I'm guessing, because of their ability to read:

    14. And former baseball star Jose Canseco who has had a beef with Yankees legend Alex Rodriguez for a LONG time and isn't about to let it go:

    Happy New Year to everyone except a rod

    Twitter: @josecanseco

    15. This former classmate who wants Danielle to know she hasn't forgotten her shame:

    16. The owners of this candle company who — I'm sure there's a story — decided to take out Ohio:

    This candle company makes scents inspired by places. This is his Ohio candle. Fuck lmao

    Twitter: @annablankx

    The label reads: "Ohio. Not much to see. Not much to do. Welcome to Ohio, the unscented candle."

    17. And this place, which came hard for Danes for some reason:

    18. These people who have HAD IT with Liz:

    Got that, Liz?

    A sign reads "Liz you are NOT welcome here"

    19. This fast-food crew who seemed a little too excited to have gotten rid of Jacob:

    20. This person who does NOT NEED TO HEAR IT FROM LINDA:

    21. This toddler who doesn't seem like she's going to be an easy forgiver:

    My toddler ran out of waffles in her pretend restaurant this morning right after she served everyone besides me and that’s about the biggest fuck you she’s ever given

    Twitter: @mom_ontherocks

    22. And Koko the gorilla, who may have just been a gorilla but still held a deep dislike for Ron:

    23. This "professional medium" who took to the internet to destroy poor Monica:

    And who is the person who liked this, all "Oh, yeah, Monica DOES have dark energy."

    24. These people of God who love everyone...except Nine Inch Nails' lead singer, Trent Reznor:

    Come on, church! What's not to love?

    25. And Roger, who is still letting people know from beyond the grave how much he hates them:

    All of these people: