17 Cringeworthy Moments Parents Have Been Unlucky Enough To Experience

    All parents need a vacation, but these really do.

    1. The mom who accidentally brushed her teeth with diaper rash cream:

    2. And the mom who lived through this epically cringeworthy dentist moment:

    Dentist: So you brush, floss AND use fluoride rinse every day? 8: Yes. Dentist: Great! 8: Mom told me she’d buy me a Coke Slurpee after my appointment if I said that. *me: already trying to climb out window

    3. The parents who came across this crime scene:

    4. And the parents who came across this one:

    5. The dad who suffered through this trip to the pumpkin patch:

    Let’s get married & have kids so instead of trying a pumpkin beer you can stop the crying while I go back into the corn maze to find the shoe.

    6. And the dad whose daughter was responsible for this:

    7. The mom whose kid got ahold of her phone:

    When your kid gets ahold of your unlocked phone and follows tons of random people on Twitter. -Have kids it'll be fun they said

    8. And the mom whose kid got ahold of her iPad:

    9. The parents who walked in on their kid like this:

    10. And the parents who dared to show up at parent-teacher conferences after this:

    11. The mom who worked hard on cookies for her kids that came out looking like this:

    12. And the mom who made cookies for her son's first birthday that came out looking like this:

    My wife made 1 cookies in preparation for my son's 1st birthday party next month. I don't think they look like 1s. 😬

    13. The mom who made a grilled cheese minus the cheese:

    It's the little things in the universe that keep you humble and remind you that you're not half as smart as you think. I made a grilled cheese sandwich for the kids and forgot the cheese🤦🏻‍♀️. #ParentingFail #FML #momlife

    14. And the mom who had to deal with this meal-time madness:

    Kid: My sandwich has too much peanut butter on it. Me: *makes new sandwich* Kid: This one has too little. Me: *makes one just right* Kid: I don’t like peanut butter anymore.

    15. The dad whose kid put the milk away...here:

    16. The parents who forgot to be the tooth fairy and received this note from their kid:

    17. And the parents who had to give their teenage son this subtle hint: