49 Kids Who Probably Inspired Their Parents To Break Out The Hard Stuff Before 5 P.M.

    Kids are cute, but they're not ALWAYS cute.

    If you have kids you know that far too often they'll do something that leaves you looking like this:

    Here are 50 parents whose kids DEFINITELY put that look on their face:

    1. The parent who had to listen to a teacher explain why their kid's calculator was taken away:

    2. The dad who experienced his first epic diaper blowout:

    My little boy just pooped through his diaper, through his onsie, through my shirt and through my jeans. This is the first time anyone has ever shit MY pants

    Twitter: @gregstone_

    3. The parent whose kid left with a Nintendo Switch but didn't come home with it:

    4. The parent whose kid made them think there was a masked intruder in their home:

    5. And the mom who also probably thinks she's living in a horror film:

    Twitter: @laurabaileyvo

    6. The parent who spotted this posting...and realized it was their kid:

    7. The three dads here who all went THROUGH it:

    8. The mom who had to stop her daughter from kidnapping this goat:

    Child holding a baby goat with the words "She tried to steal the baby goat by running to the car with it exactly 5 seconds after this photo"

    9. And the parent who had to explain to their crying 2-year-old why they weren't going to put this artwork on the wall:

    10. The mom who put her feet into her shoes only to discover they'd been toddlered:

    In theory I love my kids equally but in practice the smallest one filled my shoes with fig newtons and that's not fucking cool

    Twitter: @nicoleacrowley

    11. The mom whose kid somehow got his leg tangled up like this in his seatbelt:

    A 10-year-old has his leg tangled up in the backseat seat belt and his mom tries to free him

    12. And the mom who discovered their kid was making exorbitant demands of the tooth fairy:

    13. The parent who realized they'd been inhaling pee for the last half hour:

    14. And the dad who realized all at once that Mensa wasn't in his 6-year-old's future:

    15. The mom who had to explain her way out of this:

    My toddler just saw newborn pics of himself with his clamped umbilical cord and is now convinced he had a second penis that we chopped off

    Twitter: @Tobi_Is_Fab

    16. And the dad who heard this after nine long hours:

    I just smoked an 8-pound pork butt for nine hours because my kids said they’d eat pulled pork. Five minutes before it was done, they all said they wanted hot dogs instead and if that doesn’t sum up parenting I don’t know what does.

    Twitter: @tomvh

    17. The parent who was already having A MORNING and it wasn't even 8 a.m.:

    18. The parent whose 12-year-old kid tried to take the car for a joyride, then freaked out, hit the gas, and crashed into their neighbor's house:

    The front of a home is smashed in

    Juuuuuust great:

    A view from the inside of the home where the car impact happened

    19. The parent who read their kid's homework and now is afraid to sleep at night:

    20. The dad whose patience was seriously tested by his 8-year-old's admittedly top-rate rolling abilities:

    My children are currently trying to murder each other because my 8 year old son won’t stop telling my 5 year old daughter that her real birth name is “Big Jim”.

    Twitter: @adamliaw

    21. And the dad who just wanted to enjoy a meal out and had this happen:

    In 2019, I took my 2yo to a restaurant. She asked why people kept going to the doors near us, I explained “that’s the potty.” She proceeded to loudly ask every patron who walked by “ARE YOU POOPIN?!” I could not stop her. And on their way back she’d shout “DID YOU POOP?!?!”

    Twitter: @russshanahan

    22. The dad who was feeling his wife's dress design...until he found out it wasn't the work of, say, Stella McCartney, but their baby throwing up:

    23. The mom who had to suffer through explaining that she did not, in fact, have a mouse in her butt:

    Great... my 3 year old saw me pull a tampon out & now she’s going around saying mommy had a mouse in her butt

    Twitter: @virgoosunmami

    24. The mom who...well, I don't need to do any explaining here:

    A baby walks in wet cement

    25. And the dad who didn't want his coffee anyway:

    2y.o eating his lunch: “Papa’s coffee hot?” Me: “Yeah baby it’s hot, don’t touch.” 2y.o: “Me blow on it for Papa?” It was at this point I witnessed with horror, my 2y.o attempt to blow on my freshly made coffee, only to spit a half eaten chicken nugget straight into it..

    Twitter: @papaneedscoffee

    26. The parent who had to watch their kid do this in front of all the other parents:

    27. The parent who accidentally washed a diaper and now has to deal with this:

    28. The parent who had to have a very awkward conversation with Amazon:

    29. And the mom whose kid gave her the opposite of a confidence boost:

    My 7 year old: *staring at my face* Me: What is it, sweetie? My 7 year old: Is my nose weird, too? Kids are delightful.

    Twitter: @ThisOneSayz

    30. The mom whose neighbor now thinks she does cocaine, thanks to her kiddo:

    My 3 year old calls Flonase "mommy's special nose medicine" and now my neighbor thinks I do cocaine.

    Twitter: @someboysmother

    31. The parent who discovered that their toddler threw a few new, uh, toys into the bath:

    32. The parent who's going to have to write a very large check to the plumber:

    33. The mom whose kid totally sold her out:

    Woman in my train carriage smoothly telling the conductor that her son is travelling free because he’s only four, while the kid repeatedly yells: “BUT I’M NOT FOUR”

    Twitter: @anitathetweeter

    34. The dad who is going to have PTSD flashbacks of this moment:

    shoutout to my 6yo who, during one of her Zoom classes, brought the laptop into the bathroom while I was taking a shower, causing me to scream “TURN OFF THE CAMERA” several times while she screamed “I CAN’T HEAR YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE TAKING A SHOWER”

    Twitter: @bwecht

    35. And the parent whose kid swallowed a penny AND a SIM key:

    36. The parent who was looking forward to a delicious breakfast, but alas...:

    37. The parent who needs answers:

    My son lost his cello. A cello. A whole cello which is as big as he is. Do you know how big a cello is? How do you lose a cello? I need answers. I don't understand what's happening.

    Twitter: @barbierabra

    38. And the parent who maybe has a right to be even more exasperated:

    We cant find my 6 year olds glasses. Today we asked him where they are. He said and I quote “I threw them in the garbage yesterday, the lenses were dirty”. $400 - see yeah!

    Twitter: @jessemodz

    39. The dad whose kid is lowering their home's resale value bite by bite:

    40. And the parent whose kid is lowering their car's value even faster:

    41. The dad who definitely had to deal with pee somewhere:

    me, laying on the couch toddler: dad, I didn't go peepee anywhere. I want you to know I didn't. me, getting off the couch

    Twitter: @HenpeckedHal

    42. The parent who learned their kid is not going to be a mathematician (and passing math is up in the air too):

    43. The parent whose kid "would shit":

    44. And — dear lord — the parent who found out their kid drew this on the back of their schoolwork:

    45. The mom whose day hit a high point, then absolutely cratered a second later:

    6yo (to her crying brother): "It's okay to be sad, sometimes we need to let our feelings out, just let yourself be sad." Me: "Oh darling, that's so lovely, well done. Why is he crying?" 6yo: "I hit him." #mumlife

    Twitter: @elspells13

    46. The mom whose kid had this note sent home with him:

    A note from the teacher that says the person's kid tried to sharpen his finger in the pencil sharpener

    47. The parent whose clueless kid is responsible for this bit of cringe:

    48. The mom whose kid ruined the whole batch:

    My 4-year-old took a bite out of all of the muffins to determine his favorite. The verdict: Banana nut They were all banana nut.

    Twitter: @mommajessiec

    49. And the parent whose kid stepped all over their birthday joy: