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Moms, Share Your Momsplaining Horror Stories

Momsplaining: When one mom condescendingly explains proper parenting to another mom.

OK, so you know what mansplaining is. It’s when a man explains to a woman something they already know, usually in a patronizing way. Wait...did I just mansplain mansplaining? Ack! Moving on!

Anyway, there is something moms have to deal with that is almost as frustrating: momsplaining.

Yup, there are lots of moms out there who take it upon themselves to explain to other moms how to parent their kids.

Perhaps a mom approached you at the supermarket to momsplain that you were getting the "wrong" baby food.

Or maybe another mom decided to educate you on something as simple as how you're supposed to hold a baby.

Whatever your momsplaining story is, we want to hear it! Tell us in the Dropbox below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!