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17 Milestones You Won't Find In The Baby Books

There are first steps... and then there are these.

1. Climbs onto something ridiculously high.

2. Writes on the wall.

3. Hides car keys.

4. Pulls a carton of eggs off the counter.

5. Imprints on Elmo.

6. Screams "Mine!"

7. Breaks parent's glasses.

8. Tells you "no."

9. Runs away from you in public.

10. Harasses the family dog.

11. Bonks their head on the counter.

12. Stands up in a shopping cart.

13. Puts something nasty in their mouth.

14. Throws a batshit crazy tantrum in public.

15. Repeats a swear word.

16. Opens the door to get outside.

17. Pulls off their own diaper.