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37 Hilarious Photos That Made Me Snort Out Loud In Public

You might want to empty your bladder before reading.

Having one of those days?

Screenshot from "Parks and Recreation"

Well, let's forget the real world for a minute and just look at a bunch of seriously funny photos. Sound good? OK! Here we go:

1. The IRL version of this dress doesn't quite look like it does online (anyone else suddenly feel a need to use the restroom?):

Side-by-side of women modeling the same dress

2. This guy, meanwhile, magically sweats in XXX:

Closeup of a guy sweating through his shirt

3. This London pub took a swipe at us Americans, and all I can say is...fair:

"All Americans must be accompanied by an adult"

4. And these first-time parents have got their hands full:

a cat sitting in a baby's chair

5. This Christmas pillow, as it turns out, also doubles as A+ Valentine's Day decor:

A pillow saying "Oh Oh Oh"

6. The driver of this big truck is refreshingly honest:


7. And this driver is equally as funny:

"No Baby On Board Feel Free To Crash Into Me"

8. This Indian restaurant has HAD it with basic eaters (like me, I guess, because I love Butter Chicken! I also love Pad Thai at Thai restaurants...like I said, basic):

"One of our best sellers ... though no idea why."

9. This bar has had it, too:

A bar menu

10. And this Instacart shopper seems fed up, but he's not — it's just that his first name is Jesus and his last name starts with an "I":

"Jesus I just started shopping"

11. Oh man! Imagine getting into this cabbie's car...yikes:

A driver with a bunch of phones on their dash board

12. Alternatively, you could get a ride from this very sassy grandma Lyft driver (who drives with a parrot):

A list of rules for a Lyft driver

13. These tires, it seems, are very happy it's snowing:

Tires with snow faces on them

14. Some smart-ass put up this sign out in Amish country:

"Amish High Score"

15. And speaking of smart-asses — check out this soap for sale:


16. This church might've wanted to think a little longer on its billboard message:

"Jesus came with you on his mind"

17. And this church had their billboard message get changed around, LOL:

"Guess what dogs love you"

18. I gotta believe these wasps knew what they were doing when they built their nest THERE:

A wasp nest on a statue

19. And I also gotta believe the movie theater employees knew what they were doing when they put this Napoleon standee here:

A play horse in front of a Napoleon poster

20. The waitress who wrote these messages seems to have liked one customer more than the other:

"Have a great day!"

21. This here is why it's so important to do research when writing:

"Her skin was the color of just-pressed olive"

22. This sign makes a very valid — albeit harsh — point:

"Stop editing your pics."

23. I detect no lies with this sign either:

"I bet aliens ride past earth and lock their doors"

24. And this sign made me go "I can't believe someone wrote that on a piece of paper and posted it!":

"Please do not hit door with bussy"

25. This is a present from a husband to his plant-loving wife...but he probably should have looked a little closer at it:

Penises on a cup

26. And this dude is having an even worse day than the "gave his wife a plant boner water bottle" guy:

A man with underwear stuck on his back

27. I love all of these preschoolers' answers, but I REALLY love Leah's:

"Leah: A firetruck"

28. And these delivery instructions for an Amazon driver have to be read to be believed:

"It will be highly appreciated that if you don't pet her or scratch her back, that you say hi to her."

29. Arby's needs to get this sign fixed, like, yesterday:

"Rat beef"

30. This girl, meanwhile, tried an edible for the first time and said it "wasn't shit" so she took another...and then an hour later, she was googling this:

"How to get unhigh"

31. This person had a message for the mystery coworker who keeps stealing their lunch:

A paper with a hand giving the middle finger

32. This bit of graffiti really makes you think:

"It's-a-me Mario"

33. And, apparently, there was a meetup of people named "Ryan":

"Join the Ryan meetup!"

34. This guy's daughter told him they "only had a little milk left the fridge":

A person holding a miniature milk jug

35. This woman tried — and failed — to add an item to her shopping list:

"Bunny3 added 'Hey fuck this hey Siri cancel' to Shopping list"

36. This is the sign a gym puts out when the janitor cleans the woman's bathroom:

"Man inside"

37. And lastly, Dutch is a magical language that this dumb American has no hope of EVER learning:

"daily discounted carrot juice"