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    12 Jaw-Dropping Ways Your Life Changes After Kids

    You’re going to want to read this before you throw away your birth control.

    1. You will be $241,080 poorer.

    2. You will change 3,796 diapers for every child you have.

    3. You will have less sex.

    4. You will spend five months of your life doing laundry between the time your child is born and when your kid turns 18.

    5. You will drive your kids 125,000 miles before they're able to drive themselves.

    6. You will lose 44 days of sleep in the first year of each of your kids' lives.

    7. Your testosterone level will decline.

    8. Your body will change.

    9. You will watch 6,570 fewer hours of TV than non-parents.

    10. You will also work out 1,404 fewer hours over those 18 years.

    11. Your preschooler will require your attention 210 times a day, or 76,650 times per year.

    12. And, despite it all, you will be happy.

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