22 Incredibly Creepy Things Every Parent Does

    You'll be creepy if you want to.

    1. Saving your kids' baby teeth.

    2. Calling your partner “mom” or “dad.”

    3. Telling your kids an old fat man will break into your home and leave gifts.

    4. Hugging costumed characters.

    5. Sniffing your baby’s butt.

    6. Acting incredibly excited about a kids' movie.

    7. Talking like a baby.

    8. Taking photos the first time your kid uses the potty.

    9. Trying to act hip.

    10. Nervously talking to your kids about the birds and the bees.

    11. Picking boogers out of your kids' noses.

    12. Making people hold your baby.

    13. Making your kids breathe on you when they come home from a party.

    14. Walking around with spit-up on your clothes.

    15. Knowing random facts about One Direction.

    16. Keeping tabs on your kid with a baby monitor.

    17. Eating the leftover food off of your kid's plate even after they've touched and licked every inch of it.

    18. Letting your kids wipe their noses on your pants.

    19. Driving by your kid's school and staring at the kids on the playground.

    20. Saying "I have to go potty" when you're out with your friends.

    21. Talking to your kids' stuffed animals as if they're real.

    22. Spit-cleaning your kids' faces.

    It's cool, parents. You do you.

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