If Marvel Superheroes Had Kids

    "You won't like me when I'm angry."

    When another adult yells at her kid at the park:

    When her mom suggests she just hand out crayons and throw some Totino's into the oven for her kid's birthday party:

    When it's week three of potty training, she's all out of M&M's, and her kid is still peeing on the floor:

    When his toddler throws a tantrum and tries to hit him:

    When a dad at Little League unleashes an f-bomb rant at the 14-year-old umpire:

    When he starts counting to three, but his kids still haven't done what he's asked after he reaches two:

    When her kid suddenly screams her name from the other room:

    When one of her friends without kids say she's changed since she became a mom:

    When her kids ask her why she can't clean their rooms for them:

    When he's just dropped off his kids at Aunt May's for the weekend:

    When his kids playing in the other room are suddenly quiet — too quiet:

    When he really wants to swear, but can't because he's in front of his kids:

    When he tries to keep up with his teenager's conversation:

    When he's about take the family on a long road trip and doesn't want to make a thousand pee stops:

    When his kid deliberately disobeys and his partner is acting low-key about it:

    When she's not happy with her kids but they're in public:

    When she catches her teenager sneaking out after curfew:

    When she doesn't have the best reaction to her kid's bad report card:

    When a grocery stocker notices him open a box of fruit snacks and give a pack to his whiny toddler:

    When his baby has a blowout diaper and he leaves it in the trash can at a gas station bathroom:

    When his kid says "I can't find my other shoe" right before they're about to leave the house: