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33 Parents Who Made People Laugh Just By Being Their Weirdo Selves

Parents, you can't take them anywhere.

1. This dad who didn't quite understand how the costume parade worked at his kid's school...and thank goodness for that:

a dad wears a dinosaur costume while the rest of the parents are in regular clothes

2. And this mom who burned her son so hard she sent him into the shadow realm:

3. This dad who had plans to go mega-viral:

4. And this mom who is DONE with her son peeing on the toilet:

5. This dad who "fixed" his kid's lawnmower:

6. And this mom whose food you probably shouldn't eat without checking the expiration date:

7. This tech-phobic dad who appreciated the Kindle he got for his birthday so much that he used it as a bookmark:

8. And this dad who tried his hand at growing tomatoes, and it went like this:

9. This mom who made a hilariously honest collar for her dog:

10. And this mom who really crocheted a cigar for her dog, like she really did that:

11. This dad who played the LONG game by sending his 42-year-old son the card he sent him when HE turned 42:

Fair play to my dad sending me the sarky card I made for his 42nd birthday, astonishing commitment to karmic justice

Twitter: @robwitts

Here it is:

A bit snarky, lol:

the card read: we won't draw attention to it, will we? and the dad added: "I guess if you wait long enough what goes around comes around!"

12. This funny dad who probably could make a lot of money making signs (or maybe greeting cards):

13. And this dad who probably should leave the making of cards, stationary, etc. to someone else:

14. This mom whose gift was A) hilarious, and B) adorably wholesome:

15. And this mom who I can tell just from this photo is a real prankster:

16. This wholesome dad who sees things in sweet potatoes that others don't:

17. And this dad who had these relics (I mean the first one is from AT LEAST from the '80s) under his couch cushions:

18. This mom who is tired of dads getting all the credit for jokes like this:

19. And — speaking of "dad jokes" — this mom (and Queen fan) who nailed this one:

20. This dad who made (invented?) this hilarious take on the classic egg sandwich:

21. And this mom who made her meme-loving kid the ultimate cake:

22. This dad who is hilariously Type A:

23. And this mom who made an absolutely hilarious Easter display:

24. This dad who found a way to get people to stop using his damn cup:

25. This mom (and her kid) who made a waffle-y big brain fail:

26. And this dad, who somehow made grilling even more dad-centric than normal:

This is where they bought the grill.

27. This mom who was hilariously passive-aggressive when her home owner's association kept sending letters about leaves in her yard:

Roses are red / Leaves they fall / I rake mine / How about ya'll?

My leaves are bagged! /  They're at the dump! / Yet I keep getting letters / From some chump.

This poor fellow / Must need employment / Or he's sick in the head / Harassing brings him enjoyment.

If that is the case / Then he has my pity. / Perhaps he should move / To a far off city.

Or better still / Go to outer space / Sending his letters / All over the place!

With my HOA dues / To pay for this decree /  "The entire cosmos / Shall be completely leaf free!"

But our leaf hero / Is sadly an ass / For my trees are bare / And my lawn just grass

28. And this dad who had his day MADE:

29. This mom who was either A) super sweet and wholesome, or B) stealthily an A+ troll:

30. The dad who laughed harder at this card than anyone:

31. And this dad (and his friend) who regressed into teenagers when they got snowed in:

32. This mom who worked REALLY hard on a pillow for her kid without giving one iota of thought about the size of their home:

33. And this mom who saw her son's joke and — bless her — raised it to the next level: