31 Times Food Went From "MMMM!" To "DEAR LORD NOOO!!" In A Split Second

    Food did these people very, very wrong.

    1. This person who cracked an egg to fry up and OH MY WHAT:

    2. This poor woman who slow-cooked her dinner for six hours and the only one who got to enjoy it was the cat:

    3. This person whose soda received some unwanted hair flavoring:

    4. This person who spent a lot of money on multiple pounds of lobster then made the horrifying discovery of why it was so expensive:

    5. This person who — I have no words — found someone's contact inside their bag of candy:

    6. And this pour soul who — gag — accidentally baked a fly into their chocolate chip cookie:

    7. This person who got several bites into this bowl of cereal before realizing those little floating things were ants:

    8. And this person who literally DISLOCATED THEIR JAW while trying to eat a bowl of cereal:

    9. This person who cooked all of this yummy, cheesy goodness, then...:

    10. And this person who baked all this yummy, chocolaty goodness, then had to hit the brakes suddenly:

    11. This person who chomped into an apple and got a bonus bite of worm and worm larvae:

    12. This person whose dinner tasted oddly bitter, then realized they'd cooked it using pepper that expired BEFORE THEY WERE BORN:

    13. And this person whose dinner was ruined by seasoning in a totally different way:

    14. This poor person who dropped scalding hot noodles onto their bare knee and bed:

    15. This person who suffered so many food fails in a row you have to wonder if their kitchen is haunted:

    16. And this person who ate a couple of these cookies in the dark before realizing they were covered in mold:

    17. This carnivore who — gag — found this gigantic vein in a piece of beef they were eating:

    18. This person who tried to eat AND read emails:

    19. This person who just wanted to eat some ice cream on the pier:

    20. And this hungry person who only wanted to enjoy some rotisserie chicken:

    21. This guy who thought that he could avoid burning his fingers if he ran his hot dish to the couch quickly enough, but slipped and went headfirst into the wall:

    22. This person who returned home after a long day only to discover — doh! — they forgot to plug in their slow cooker:

    23. This college student who just wanted some rice before class but opened their pack to find — blech! — a chunk of mold:

    24. This person who was well on their way to a cooked meal when they heard a CRACK:

    25. This chili lover who accidentally stepped on their cat while going down the stairs:

    26. And this person who got cut off while transporting chili to a dinner party:

    27. This person who tried to impress their in-laws by cooking a breakfast casserole in what they THOUGHT was an oven-safe dish:

    28. This person who ordered soup and then watched the delivery guy drop it on the floor:

    29. And this person whose delivery pizza showed up like this:

    30. This person who toiled away making lasagna and then:

    31. And this person in a rush who bagged their lunch and (accidentally) tossed it, then bagged the dirty kitty litter and brought it to work: