If Your Elf On The Shelf Returns Tonight, This Is The Very 2020 Way You Should Do It

    Elf on the shelf...2020 style.

    Tomorrow is Dec. 1, which means that your family's elf is most likely making their first appearance tomorrow!

    Now, are you thinking, Wait, we still have to do elf on the shelf in 2020?

    If so, you can take solace in the fact there is a fun and VERY 2020 way for your elf to make their 2020 debut...in quarantine!

    Some people went all out and were ready for this moment with special bags...

    ...or jars with customized "elf quarantine" text on them.

    But really, your elf should have no problem quarantining with things found around the house.

    Another option would be for your elf to show up with a negative COVID-19 test that will put everyone in your family at ease about them being there!

    Oh, one more thing! I'm not saying to do this, but if you're feeling lazy...your elf could just quarantine in place the first 14 days of the month. Just sayin'!

    It’s not December yet, but Elf on the Shelf 2020 is already very different https://t.co/XNzlKxY1e8