23 Times Dads Used Instagram To Make You Laugh Then Groan

    Watch out world, dads are on the 'gram.

    1. Dads don't Instagram quite like anyone else.

    2. While they DO Instagram their food, it's usually with a caption like "My breakfast is egg-hast."

    3. And when they 'gram beautiful scenery, it's with a caption like "It would be hard to get TIRED of this view."

    4. They don't take many selfies, but they do a lot of dad jokes.

    5. Like, a lot of dad jokes.

    6. And while the photos sometimes speak for themselves...

    7. ...and need no caption at all...

    8. Most dad jokes are all about the caption, like: "Part of a tree hit my car. Not too much damage, I think."

    9. "How do I remember to eat fruit? I put it on my schedule."

    10. "Bad pen dog! Bad!"

    11. "When your Coke says something funny and you're like..."

    12. "U.F.O. caught on tape."

    13. "Where am I? Just some no-name town."

    14. "Peppa Pig jigsaw puzzle."

    15. "USBnana."

    16. "We're running out of thyme!"

    17. If you see a dad taking a photo of something weird — like a sweet potato — it's probably for the gram.

    18. Even a can of hair spray can end up on a dad's Instagram if he thinks of the right groaner.

    19. Dads are quick to Instagram the dad jokes they stumble across in public, too.

    20. This means they're often snapping photos of street blackboards...

    21. Tackboards...

    22. And marquees.

    23. Of course, they also post photos of themselves being a dad — but usually not without a caption like: "Teaching my kid the A, B, Seas."