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19 Award-Winning Birth Photos That'll Actually Take Your Breath Away

The beauty of birth in all of its glory. (Warning: graphic images.)

Hey folks, it's that time of year when The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers announce the winners of their yearly competition, and wow, 2019's honorees are as stunning as ever.

First, let's start with the powerful photo that was named the competition's First Place Winner.

This beautiful shot of a mother's first moments with her baby (who is still covered by the amniotic sac) won Best In Category: Birth Details.

This incredible group effort to bring a life into the world won Best In Category: Delivery.

This image of a new family's bliss won Best In Category: Fresh 48.

This resplendent magic-hour photo of a water birth was named Best In Category: Labor.

And this photo of a mom's post-birth private moment won Best In Category: Postpartum.

In addition to the amazing photos selected by the competition's judges, the association's members recognized these standouts:

This triumphant photo of a mother delivering vaginally after a C-section was the Members’ Choice Best In Category: Delivery.

This intimate moment of a father showing thanks to his partner won Members’ Choice Best In Category: Labor.

And this achingly adorable photo of two brothers meeting their new sibling was named Members’ Choice Best In Category: Postpartum.

The contest's honorable mentions are unforgettable too — like this photo of a family's joy upon meeting its newest member.

This photo of a baby being born into the hands of their father.

And this photo of a man savoring his first few moments as a dad.

This amazing capture of an adorably folded-up newborn.

This dramatic shot of a cord burning.

This photo of a mama-to-be gaining strength from another.

This capture of a new baby exhausted by their journey.

This photo of emotions running high during an induction done three weeks past the due date.

This moving photo of the marks birth leaves on its participants.

And this sweet shot of a boy who is more than ready to become a big brother.

Check out all of the competition's entries.