Best Friends Before And After Having Kids

    Putting the "forever" in BFFs.

    Before kids... you get drunk texts from your friend:

    After kids... you get accidental texts from their kids:

    Before kids... you talk about cute guys:

    After kids... you talk about cute babies:

    Before kids... you take a lot of photos together.

    After kids... you take a lot of photos of your kids together.

    Before kids... you immediately call your best friend after a nightmare date.

    After kids... you immediately call them after a nightmare diaper.

    Before kids... you call each other "besties."

    After kids... your friend's kids call you "auntie."

    Before kids... you joke that your best friend will marry your brother.

    After kids... you joke that your kids will tie the knot.

    Before kids... you meet up on the weekends at the club.

    After kids... you meet up on the weekends at the park.

    Before kids... you do shots of tequila.

    After kids... you do extra shots at Starbucks.

    Before kids... you get excited about college admissions.

    After kids... you get excited about preschool admissions.

    Before kids... you workout side-by-side.

    After kids... you push strollers side-by-side.

    Before kids... you help each other throw raging house parties.

    After kids... you help each other throw unforgettable kid's birthday parties.

    Before kids... you share skinny jeans.

    After kids... you share maternity jeans.

    Before kids... you didn't think it was possible to be better friends.

    After kids... you're closer than ever before.