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People Over 40, Tell Us What Twentysomethings Need To Know To Be Happy

Our backs hurt constantly, and we've got lines on our faces...but at least we've gained some wisdom we can share!

I’m going to make what’s likely to be a shocking revelation to you all! I — someone who writes for BuzzFeed — am over 40 years old!

Here’s another maybe surprising revelation…despite being over 40, I’m happy (or at the very least a lot happier than I was in my 20s).

"I really couldn't be happier"

So, I thought it’d be great if we asked other happy 40+-year-olds to give advice to people in their 20s!

I’ll start — twentysomethings should love themselves more! It’s so easy in your 20s to get down on yourself. You look in the mirror and think you look like crap (which will amuse you when you’re older and DO look like crap), you get down on yourself for not having THE job, or THE apartment, or THE relationship. Looking back, I was so negative! The truth is, I was pretty great, and I'm sure you are, too! So go easy on yourself! That mindset will make you a lot happier, I promise!

A woman kissing her reflection

OK, enough of my blabbering! If you're 40+ and happy, leave your best bit of advice for twentysomethings in the comments below or via this anonymous form, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!