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31 Smartasses Who Made Me Think "That's Hilarious" While Staring Blankly At My Screen

A million monkeys typing could never come up with something this funny.

1. This wife who couldn't just have normal names for her Q-tip, cotton ball, and floss containers:

Containers with funny names

2. This boutique owner who created their own version of the old "number of days since our last accident" sign:

"Number of days since our last Karen"

3. This restaurant owner who was absolutely OVER people abusing their "all you can eat" policy:

"all you can eat buffet not mean all day buffet"

4. And this restaurant owner who put up an awkwardly encouraging sign in the bathroom:


5. This person who got tired of answering the same questions on job interviews, so they printed up these cards to hand out when asked the old chestnut, "What's your greatest strength?"

"My ability to anticipate"

6. This bar that made 86'ing unruly patrons a sarcastic snap:

A card explaining why someone got kicked out of a bar

7. This car owner who was hilariously realistic about their truck:

"If it was meant to go fast it wouldn't be shaped like a fucking brick"

8. This roommate of a guy named Isaac who — after Isaac started getting a lot of action — put up a survey for Isaac's bedmates to fill out for "quality assurance/quality improvement":

"Isaac's post-coital survey"

9. These waxers at this beauty parlor who got uncomfortably specific about exactly what they did:

"Labia to butt clean up"

10. And this store (possibly owned by Billy Madison) that has quite the unique sign in the window:

"NO penguins"

11. This blinds installer who found a genius way to get everyone to notice their business on the road:


12. This teacher who got unflinchingly real with any potential car thieves:

"Please break into a Tesla"

13. This review of a 12-foot-tall beach ball that basically turned into a short story full of twists and turns:

"We lost it in South Carolina, so there's something to be said about its durability"

14. These streets in a suburban development...which were all named after Pokémon characters:

Street signs named after Pokémon

15. This police department that decided to troll speeders:

"Raise your right foot"

16. This person who found a hilariously sarcastic way to make their friend feel a little less old on their birthday:

"65 but only 18 in celsius"

17. And this kindergartener who has already mastered sarcasm (their parents need to WATCH OUT):


18. This fire department that came up with a hilariously accurate job description for their volunteer fireman positions:

"No pay cool hats"

19. This record store that lightly trolled its customers (or maybe they were 100% serious?):

"We will provide you with a receipt that matches what you told your wife you paid for this turntable"

20. This snarky note someone left on the car of bad parker:

"How to improve parking skills"

21. And this note on another badly parked car that was equally as snarky:

"I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't have parked like a bellend."

22. This Halloween costume that proved dating is scarier than just about anything:

"You free on Friday?"

23. And this person who put up a hilarious and strangely heartwarming sign in their house, er, home:

"This is not a whore house it is a... whore home"

24. This city that rightfully decided to go hard after litterers:

Why are you littering?

25. This newscast that came up with a hilariously perfect "wind meter":

"I've lost my trash can"

26. And these groomers who had HAD IT with people complaining about their prices:

"Top Ten Reasons Why It Costs More To Get Your Pet Groomed"

27. This math teacher who was more than a little extra with this word problem:

A math problem on a test

28. This wise-ass who rearranged their apps like obscene fridge magnets:

Someone's apps on their phone

29. These parents who put up a hilariously sarcastic sign to keep their kids safe:

"Extremely slow children playing"

30. This frustrated girlfriend who pointedly updated her "Live, Laugh, Love" sign:

"3178 days together and we're still not engaged"

31. And this student who — after people kept leaving poop stains on the toilet seats of their dorm (yay, college!) — took it upon themself to say NO MORE:

"I will not leave skidmarks on the toilet."

HT: r/funny