27 Parenting Hacks On Instagram That'll Make You Go, "Um, Thank You Instagram?!"

    You're not wasting time on Instagram — you're doing parenting research!

    1. Cut watermelon into sticks to make it easier for little kids to eat.

    2. Put tape on each side of your baby's nail clippers so their tiny nail clippings don't end up everywhere.

    3. Attach a clip to the end of your kid's bubble wand to keep it from falling into the container.

    4. When your toddler is newly potty trained, keep training diapers in your car to put inside the travel potty bowl for easier clean up.

    5. Wash your baby's socks in a laundry bag so you never lose another one again.

    6. Put a stick-on hook on the back of a high chair to hang bibs.

    7. If you ever have to bring your stroller inside somewhere with, say, new carpet, you can put shower caps on the wheels to prevent making a mess.

    8. Pool noodles are a surprisingly effective way to babyproof a coffee table in a pinch.

    9. You'll either find this hack hilariously genius or inappropriate — but if your kid always calls out for water in the middle of the night, you'll probably think it's the former!

    10. Keep your kid patient while waiting for the doctor by letting them draw on the exam table paper.

    11. Instead of attaching the pacifier to your baby when you're on the go, attach it to yourself!

    12. Use a healthy snack's empty packaging to hide your stash of candy.

    13. If you have older kids, this is a genius hack to make them do chores when you aren't even home!

    14. Use a grabber to make handing snacks (and more) to your kids a whole lot easier.

    15. Make a pretty terrific diaper caddy out of a wine carrier.

    16. Keep your toddler busy by letting them "paint" the fence with water.

    17. Use an empty wipes container to store travel snacks for your kids.

    18. Attach a wooden spoon to a play mat to help with teething.

    19. Keep toddlers entertained on a flight by letting them play with gel clings on the window.

    20. Upcycle unused Lego bricks into an impressive bathroom organizer.

    21. Use coffee filters as no-stress "snack bowls" for your kids.

    22. Use dollar-store bins to make a snack station.

    23. Make eating healthy snacks fun by putting them in an ice cube tray.

    24. Use shopping cart restraints to stop your toddler from dropping their sippy cup onto the floor.

    25. Make keeping track of your kid’s dosages easy by writing a chart on the side of the medicine bottle.

    26. If your little refuses to take their medicine, dip a lollipop into the medicine, then let them suck it. Repeat until all is gone.

    27. And lastly, help yourself get through those especially challenging days by leaving yourself a note like this.