25 Laughs You Really, Really Need If You Have Kids Under Four

    Best read while sleep deprived or waiting for a toddler to poop.

    Just a warning: if you've never had a kid aged 0-3, you'll probably feel like C-3PO when reading this post.

    1. But if you HAVE or HAD a rugrat, you'll definitely feel this one:

    2. And you've probably also made this mistake:

    3. Ditto for, uh, this expensive mistake:

    4. But, tbh, even during the day you do most of your shopping online:

    5. Real fast before we stop talking about mistakes — this one will send shivers down your spine:

    6. You've gone through the struggle of trying to get your toddler to try new foods:

    7. And your home has been, shall we say, recently remodeled:

    8. Your car has been transformed too:

    9. You're probably nodding just looking at this chicken:

    10. You're now probably thinking, "Pretty much!"

    11. You've definitely, lol, tried to figure out who the blurry image in the ultrasound looked like:

    12. And — sigh — you've experienced this one IRL:

    13. Real talk, having little ones has changed you:

    14. Because it is exhausting and STRESSFUL:

    15. Not to mention LOUD!!!:

    16. And it's probably affected your sex life:

    17. But — hey! — at least you got buff out of it:

    18. You've definitely made this face when dealing with people without kids who just don't get what you're up against:

    19. If this hasn't occurred to you already, you will never view Daniel Tiger the same way again:

    20. You will probably mutter, "Seriously!" when looking at this one:

    21. And if this isn't the truth, I don't know what is:

    22. Toddlers — as you know — test you:

    23. You put up with A LOT:

    24. And parenting a little kid is EX-HAUST-ING:

    25. Which means that you've definitely had — and can be forgiven for! — days like this: