• Parenting Week [RIDEALONG] badge

23 Things No Parent Will Admit To Doing

Yes, even you.

1. Belt out songs like a rock star behind closed doors with your kids.

2. You also bust out your finest moves at home.

3. Tell your kid it's bedtime 45 minutes before it actually is.

4. Investigate the parents of your kid's friends on social media.

5. Forget the name of one of your kid’s friend’s parents.

6. Modify your kid's homework to make it easier on you.

7. Toss out a loud and annoying toy.

8. Re-enact the “Circle of Life” scene from The Lion King.

9. Use your kid as an excuse to get out of something.

10. Show your kid one of your favorite movies before they're ready.

11. Take candy from waiting rooms to give to your kid.

12. Let your kid have a "snack drawer" dinner.

13. Let your kid play with your phone so you can get a few minutes of peace.

14. You also sometimes let your kid watch a “double feature” when you desperately need a longer break.

15. Order your toddler food at a restaurant just so you can get a little mac ‘n’ cheese.

16. Pass gas and blame it on your kid.

17. Tell your kid the toy store is closed when it's not.

18. On the flip side — you sometimes buy your kid something a little extravagant just because.

19. Let your kids wipe their hands on your pants.

20. Tell your own “abridged” version of a bedtime story.

21. Take crazy photos of your kid you wouldn't show anyone outside of your immediate family.

22. Eat your kid’s junk food after they've gone to sleep.

23. Make up weird songs to sing when your kid does everything from brushing their teeth to making their bed.

Parenting Week is a week of content devoted to honoring the hardest job you'll ever love, being a parent. Check out more great Parenting Week content here.