23 Photos From The '80s You Will Feel Like You Lived

    If you lived through it, these photos are guaranteed to make you smile.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their most epic '80s photos and the results were a definite blast from the past:

    Note: Not all images were submitted by Community members.

    1. Yes, young people, we really did dress like extras out of a John Hughes film.

    2. Proms were epic too — but RIP to all of the hair spray.

    3. If you were a kid in the '80s, you likely have a school photo like this somewhere.

    4. You definitely had your own badass Big Wheels.

    5. And you for sure had a Cabbage Patch Kid (and probably that "Billie Jean" poster on the wall).

    6. There's a good chance you bought one of these fake magazine covers because... the '80s.

    7. If you met a celebrity, it was probably one who screamed '80s.

    8. For the record, 1986 World Series champion Darryl Strawberry definitely screamed '80s.

    9. Of course, you might have been lucky enough to meet a celebrity whose star shone before and beyond the '80s.

    10. Meeting Michael Jackson in the '80s? That's about as '80s as it gets.

    11. And if you met O.J. in the '80s, he would have been a former football hero and Hertz pitchman. That's it.

    12. If you were a kid in the '80s you surely had an Alf doll.

    13. And if you met Santa you probably did it wearing acid wash jeans.

    14. If you were a little bit older you had one of these.

    15. And if you didn't look like someone straight out of Revenge of the Nerds, you knew someone who did.

    16. If you had an Apple product it was less "6s" and more "IIE."

    17. This is what McDonald's looked like, and every burger came in a styrofoam container.

    18. There is a 91.7% chance you knew someone who had this couch (if you didn't yourself).

    19. If you lived outside of a big city, this photo will definitely bring back memories.

    20. And if you were in a relationship, you likely had matching hairstyles, as you did in the '80s.

    21. If you lived through the '80s, you probably wanted to look like a rock star.

    22. Sometimes looking like a rock star was a lot of work.

    23. But even if you didn't try to look like a rock star, odds are you at least had a Van Halen shirt. (We all did.)

    Good catch up, '80s.

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