21 Times "Pitch Perfect" Perfectly Captured The Parenting Experience

    This is what happens when you have aca-children.

    1. When you drop your kid off at the mall:

    2. When your kids are fighting:

    3. When your kid says, "I'm doing it!" after you tell them to put their shoes away:

    4. When one of your friends suggests you do something that's wildly inappropriate for a parent:

    5. When your kid comes out of a timeout sullen and angry:

    6. When your kid reaches for the cookie jar right before dinner:

    7. When your baby spits up on you:

    8. When your kids are insane and your partner isn’t helping:

    9. When your kid picks their nose and eats it:

    10. When you try a recipe you found on Pinterest and the result is amazing:

    11. When your kid tells you at ten p.m. that they're supposed to bring three dozen cookies to school the next day:

    12. When your kid says, "Are you serious?!"

    13. When your easily embarrassed tween says you're being weird:

    14. When you get a whiff of your baby's stinky diaper:

    15. When your partner looks to you for back-up that they're right:

    16. When your kid plays "Let It Go" for the thirteen thousanth time:

    17. When your kid dares to talk back to you:

    18. When your kid starts droning on about Skylanders:

    19. When you're trying to converse with a toddler but it's not going very well:

    20. When your kids show you their report cards after a strong semester:

    21. When you're breastfeeding and someone side-eyes you for ordering a drink: