• Parenting Week [RIDEALONG] badge

19 Truths About Being A Stay-At-Home Dad

No, you're not babysitting.

1. You will almost definitely grow a beard at some point.

2. You can get pretty silly when it's just you and the kids.

3. If you once thought being a SAHD would allow you to focus on your writing, music, or art, you now think, "Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

4. You're really sick of not finding changing tables in men's rooms.

5. Being home more means you have extra time to brainwash, er, introduce your kids to the stuff you dig.

6. You've had to listen to men say condescending stuff like “You're really OK with her bringing home the bacon?" and "Must be nice to lie around all day!”

7. You've also had to listen to women overly applaud you or give you unsolicited advice about what you're doing wrong.

8. You've even been asked on many occasions — by men and women — if you were babysitting.

9. Because of this you can sometimes feel lonely — isolated even — especially since there aren't that many men in your circle who are SAHDs.

10. But the good news is that finding another SAHD isn’t like spotting a unicorn anymore — there are more than 2 million of them.

11. In time you will find some like-minded, cool dads and moms in your community and forge your own IRL parent support group.

12. Some domestic skills take a little time to pick up.

13. You also learn right away there is SAHD stuff you are very good at.

14. Depictions of dads as bumbling fools greatly upset you because they directly impact how people view you as a parent.

15. There can be some friction with your partner at first.

16. Your kids appreciate receiving your expert-level piggyback rides in the daylight hours.

17. You are also awesome at cuddling, kissing, and comforting your kids.

18. It's incredibly rewarding.

19. And in the end all that matters is that you and your family are happy — the rest is all noise.

Parenting Week is a week of content devoted to honoring the hardest job you'll ever love, being a parent. Check out more great Parenting Week content here.