19 People Who Must Be Graduates Of Petty University Based On How They Got Revenge

    These people took revenge to ridiculously overblown levels so you don't have to.

    When someone does us wrong, there's at least PART of us that wishes to get revenge...or, even better, supremely petty revenge! Sadly, most of us aren't graduates of Petty University and don't have it in us to pull it off.

    Thankfully, there ARE people out there who excel at petty revenge — and they got it in the most hilarious way possible. For example:

    1. This older adult who took the LONG game in getting revenge against the popular girls from her high school.

    She visited the high school she dropped out of 76 years ago to pay tribute to the popular girls that bullied her and thought she'd never be popular; now she has 6 million followers "and they're rotting underground"

    2. This student who — after their professor banned laptops in class — showed up with an old-school typewriter to take notes and loudly clickety-clacked the entire class.

    Student sitting in class typing on a typewriter

    3. And this toddler who is clearly a petty prodigy.

    My toddler ran out of waffles in her pretend restaurant this morning right after she served everyone besides me and that’s about the biggest fuck you she’s ever given

    Twitter: @mom_ontherocks

    4. This person who resolved to let the whole world know — indefinitely — exactly who scratched their car.

    Note on car: "Uninsured driver Sarah ___ did this" and arrow pointing to scratch

    5. This person who was similarly vengeful...but against the dealer who sold them their car.

    Sign in back window of car: "Houston Ford Sells Lemons"

    6. This person who sounds ready to go full Liam Neeson in Taken ("I will find you and I will kill you") over a stupid prank.

    Long bathroom note beginning, "To the asshole who put mustard packets under the toilet rim, nothing in this world would give me more pleasure than finding out who you are, digging up your childhood pet and beating you with its corpse"

    7. This person who — after someone stomped their Pride flag — replaced it with a new one...and about 50 more!

    Front yard showing a pathway with Pride flags all along it and all around the grass and more on the porch

    Oh, and they put up this yard sign too. 😂

    Sign with Pride color highlights: "To the person who stomped our flag: Be kind, love wins!"

    8. Similarly, this person who used the unparalleled power of baking to put some bigots in their place.

    Fondly remembering the time two of my transphobic colleagues wouldn’t eat my baking so I made progressively more delicious and elaborate cakes and watched them die inside from their own bigotry

    — Caitlin Spice (@catespice) July 7, 2023
    Twitter: @catespice

    Like, she wasn't kidding!!!

    Twitter: @catespice

    9. This author who has spent his entire writing career exorcising his petty jealousy against his wife's ex.

    Note in a book: "In every book my husband's written, a character named Colin suffers a horrible death. This is because my boyfriend before I met my husband was named Colin"; he was also Scottish and an architect, making the husband feel inadequate

    10. This person who wrote this totally not-true note and left it on the car of the person who pissed them off.

    "There is a big spider in your car, seen it on your blanket"

    11. And this person who saw this epically bad and selfish parking job...

    A large car parked in a parking space at a diagonal

    ...and left them this Disney princess coloring book and snarky note.

    The Disney princess coloring activity book and note: "Hey buddy, it looks like you don't understand how to operate a motor vehicle; this will help you practice staying inside the lines like the toddler you are" with a heart drawn on it

    12. This coworker who decided to send a message to the people at work who keep using their milk.

    A bottle of milk in the fridge with a padlock on the top

    13. This coworker who REALLY sent a message to the people stealing her coffee creamer.

    Sign on creamer: "Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week, surprise!!! You've been drinking my BREAST MILK Hope you've enjoyed; cheers! PS: It's organic, so no worries" and smiley face

    14. And this coworker who made "fish tacos" for whoever kept stealing their lunch.

    Fish tacos made from canned Friskies cat food

    15. Here's another petty workplace one: this person who gifted THIS to their flat-earther coworker as a going-away present.

    A globe with note: "Best of luck wherever the world takes you!:

    16. This angry husband who — after a fight with his spouse — made his side of the bed and his side of the bed only.

    A bed with a folded sheet on one side and a messy sheet on the other side

    17. This person who got revenge on their roommate by leaving them undoubtedly the worst-tasting ice possible.

    Ice cubes made with hot dog water

    18. This impressively petty gamer who saw someone named "Tom" beat their top score, so they not only played until they got the top score back...but also did THIS.

    Top five scores with names "Hey," "Tom," "You," "Fkn," and "Suk"

    19. And lastly, this person who used the elements to call this person a dick in the most hilariously petty way possible.

    Snow in the shape of a penis and scrotum left on the back of a car in a parking space

    H/T: r/funny.