19 Screenshots Of Emails That Were Impossibly Funny Whether They Meant To Be Or Not

    When they invented email, no one could have ever predicted this.

    1. This hilarious/deeply uncomfortable email a teacher had to send to a student's parents:

    "We were playing a review game and he gave himself the name 'Mass Debater.'"

    2. This email from a bank website telling someone — huzzah! — they've moved up to a financial ranking of "Poor":

    "Well done, you've moved up to Poor."

    3. And this email from a car dealer that really should have included "Kia" ahead of "Soul":

    "Re: Your Soul"

    4. This email a job applicant — facepalm — received from the potential employers after applying:

    "You attached a Jamie Oliver for Chilli Beef Recipe not your CV"

    5. This Amazon confirmation email that captured a certain family member:

    A dog in a window where a package was dropped off

    6. This email from a very drunk college student to his professor:

    "Good fuckn yard Patrick Davidson"

    7. And this email from a professor to a student that was just dripping with sarcasm:

    "Congratulations on beating a previous record for being late to class"

    8. This hilariously clever order confirmation email:

    "Once we clean up our celebration mess, we'll be working to get your order packaged, shipped and on its way to you ASAP."

    9. And this equally hilarious and clever order confirmation email:

    "Saying goodbye to such sought-after products is always gut-wrenching."

    10. This work email — meant to be titled "Dogs-N-Stuff" — that accidentally included an unfortunate extra letter:


    11. This work email explaining how the new coffee machine worked misspelled "milk" twice in a way that seriously told on the writer:

    "CLEAN the milf after you foamed"

    12. This work email from the CEO read very differently to people in the Southern California office than it did to people in their Minnesota office the day after a snowstorm:

    "Will be in as soon as the guy finishes."

    13. This work email — sent by HR — announced a cookout using what they thought was clip art of a "guy wearing a festive Hawaiian shirt"...but was actually porn star Ron Jeremy:

    "Spring Celebration Cook-Out and Potluck"

    14. This work email — the day after the company had a large corporate event where some bosses got hit with pies for charity — makes you wonder if this boss knew what she was doing or not:

    "I'm still a little 'sticky' from my delectable midday 'cream pie facial'"

    15. And this work email — announcing a coworker would be out of the office the next day — could have used another glance at the subject before hitting send:

    "Jack Off Tomorrow"

    16. This cringey email from a college advisor claiming not to be a blanket email...was clearly exactly that:

    "it's not a blanket email from our office."

    17. This email from college students calling out a kid in a group project who lied about how much work he did is hilariously perfect (apparently, he didn't know Google Docs tracks revision history):

    "Unfortunately, we have already sent our grades to the professor."

    18. This email from the IT department checking to see if people would click on a fake-phishing email included a hilarious hint it wasn't to be trusted:

    "This message received from IP:"

    19. And lastly, this "email" from the hand soap is pretty damn funny:

    "I am currently out of the office on Vacation and will return soon."