19 People Who Know How To Insult Folks In The Worst Way Possible

    You can bet these left a mark.

    1. This no-context-needed diss that took out someone AND their mom:

    "Your mom had to close her eyes and think about other babies during breastfeeding"

    2. This hilariously on-point swipe at Coldplay's Chris Martin:

    Closeup of Chris Martin

    3. And this YouTube comment which is just...chef's kiss:

    "That's a lot of effort to announce that the bride and groom are siblings"

    4. These washing instructions which — for no reason whatsoever —added a devastating insult:

    "so you don't ruin it like everything else in your life"

    5. This comment someone left on a photo of Elon Musk:

    Closeup of Elon Musk

    6. And this one someone equally bent on destruction left on a photo of Mark Zuckerberg:

    Closeup of Mark Zuckerberg

    7. This inspired takedown of an entire national cuisine:

    "The peas look like someone melted the toy soldiers from toy story"

    8. This graphic explanation of why someone changed providers:

    "I'd rather give a rabid skunk a proctology exam in a closet than ever deal with AT&T again"

    9. And this dig at the Cats movie that somehow manages to capture just how bad the movie actually is:

    "if they showed this movie on an airplane, people would still walk out on it"

    10. This insult which was totally out of left field...making it even funnier than it should be:

    "Bro is driving a washing machine"

    11. This hilariously rude comeback:

    "your mom must've pushed you around in a wheelbarrow"

    12. And this equally hilarious comeback that there's no coming back from:

    "It's more of a driver's test."

    13. This takedown of Kid Rock (or is it a takedown of his fans?):

    "Kid rock makes music for people who know the exact legal amount of Sudafed you're allowed to buy at Walgreens"

    14. This fantastically snarky reply:

    "I'm guessing that 's' isn't needed?"

    15. And this brutal comment on a stand-up comedian's video:

    "This guy is about as funny as a fractured skull."

    16. This ownage by a marshmallow sandwich:

    "Buddy it's a Saturday night and you're talking to a marshmallow sandwich on the internet"

    17. This nickname that's legen-dairy:

    "so everyone called him milk for the rest of the year"

    18. This reply that is as true as it is funny:

    "you're the exact reason the rest of us wanna stay home"

    19. And lastly, this classroom diss that absolutely leveled a kid straight into the ground:

    "You're like a plunger. Always bringing up old shit."

    HT: r/rareinsults